REAL Server is the ideal database server for developers who want to convert a single user database to a multi-user one.
REAL Server is based on SQLite, the most popular database engine in the world, used by Google, Sun Microsystems, McAfee, Mozilla Firefox and Apple. SQLite is based on the SQL language standard, so if you know SQL you already know how to query REAL Server.
Installing REAL Server is incredibly easy. You will have it up and running in less than five minutes. Also, maintaining REAL Server is just as easy with its graphical administration tool.
Since the single-user database in REAL Studio is also based upon SQLite, you can easily turn any single user database application into a multi-user application in less than an hour.
Because it is based on SQLite, REAL Server is both highly reliable and fast. You never have to compromise when you use REAL Server. In our tests we found that, in general, REAL Server is twice as fast as Postgres and four times faster than MySQL.
In addition to REAL Studio, REAL Server can be accessed via PHP for use with web applications. With the included SDK, you can access REAL Server using the C/C programming language.